Feb. 3, 2023

115 - How To Build The Habit Of Guitar Practice

It apparently takes 32 days for the average American to give up their new year's resolution meaning this week is when most people fail, and I don't want that for you. Thats why in this week's episode, I'm going to talk about how to turn your practice into a habit.

House Keeping

  • Academy Show watch here
  • Dates for your diary
    • Monthly Song Study - Saturday 11th Feb - Don’t Look Back In Anger by Oasis
    • Office Hours:
      • Sun 12th Feb - 9 pm GMT - 4 pm est/1 pm pst/8 am Sydney
      • Wed 22nd Feb - 9 pm GMT - 4 pm est/1 pm pst/8 am Sydney
    • Monthly Workshop - Learn To Play 10 Three Chord songs - Sat 25th February

Main Content


  • Set a specific goal - will help with power & motivation
  • Research has shown that a goal like “practice guitar regularly” is too abstract. You’ll benefit from being more specific about what you aim to do and how often.
  • So don’t say, “I’ll practice the guitar regularly.” instead, Say, “I’ll practice the guitar for 15 minutes each day.”
  • Having a clear objective makes it less daunting to get started and easier to see your progress.
  • Use the BGA ultimate song list to set a goal


  • Create a practice space
  • Use visual cues such as a practice log
  • Jerry Seinfeld strategy
    • Year calendar - red marker cross off - don't break the chain
    • Doesn't actually do it - wrongly credited
  • Reason for doing the sheets for the 365-day practice challenge
  • Systems, not goals


  • Cues - activity based and time-based- habit stacking - e.g. after breakfast, you practice guitar ac
  • Bookend days
  • Same time to build the habit
  • 1% better - approximately 15 minutes of your day - 37 times better - or about 91 hours a year
  • Be patient think weeks and months instead of hours and days


  • ‘It really doesn't matter how long. If you practice with your (body), no amount is enough. If you practice with your head, two hours is plenty.’ Anders Ericsson
  • It's not how many hours you put in but what you put in the hours
  • Deliberate practice - feedback - The first effective feedback system is measurement - The second effective feedback system is coaching
  • Deliberate practice is not a comfortable activity. It requires sustained effort and concentration.
  • But if you can maintain your focus and commitment, you will reap the rewards, which is to get the most out of what you’ve got.
  • Seven essential skills
  • Accountability

Four Steps

  1. Get a clear why - help with motivation & willpower
  2. Develop a cue-based system - using activity or time - habit stacking
  3. Be Deliberate - measure progress & get a coach - to help you see progress and keep you moving forward
  4. Be consistent & Be Patient

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