Season 1

Oct. 5, 2023

150 - Rock Guitar Legends: Learning from the Masters

We are kicking off our Rocktober series by looking at the guitar legends, including Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page & Eric Clapton and what we can learn from them to improve our guitar playing.
Sept. 29, 2023

149 - Three Quarters Through The 365-Day Practice Challenge

We are three-quarters of the way through the 365-day practice challenge, so today's episode is a check-in to see how you are going and prepare you for the final push.
Sept. 22, 2023

148 - Music Theory, What To Learn Next

Last week's podcast episode covered the basics of music theory but with it being such a broad topic, you may be wondering where to go next. That's why in this week's episode I cover exactly what to study and in what order.
Sept. 15, 2023

147 - Get To Grips With Music Theory

If you want to understand music, you need to understand music theory, which is why, in this episode, I'm taking you through some music theory basics to help get you going and give you a solid foundation.
Sept. 8, 2023

146 - From The Vault: Improve Your Practice With Isolation

In this week's episode, we are taking a trip into the vault and dusting off episode 10 of the podcast to help improve your practice with isolation. So, if you want to speed up your progress, take a listen.
Sept. 1, 2023

145 - What Is GAS And How To Cure It

If there is one condition that all guitarists suffer from it's GAS. In this week’s episode, I am going to give you some ideas to help relieve this condition and help you live a normal life.
Aug. 25, 2023

144 - August’s Live Member Q&A

This week's episode is the audio from a recent live Q&A we did in the academy; we cover how to speed up your picking, get your fingers more flexible and improve your palm muting, among other things.
Aug. 18, 2023

143 - 10 Great Guitar Documentaries (Part 2)

This episode is the second in a two-part series going through ten great guitar documentaries. So if you want to be inspired and motivated to play guitar, keep listening.
Aug. 10, 2023

142 - 10 Great Guitar Documentaries

I love a good documentary, and a good documentary can be both inspiring and motivating, and that's why this episode is the first in a two-part series going through ten great guitar documentaries.  So if you want to be ins…
Aug. 4, 2023

141 - How Much Guitar Practice Is Too Much

So practice is essential to become better at guitar, so it stands to reason that the more you practice, the better you become, right? Well, no, not exactly, and I will tell you why in this episode.
July 28, 2023

140 - 5 Steps To Campfire Guitar Success

Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, these five steps will help you shine like a star around the campfire and set you on your way to Campfire Guitar Success.
July 21, 2023

139 - What Is The G4 GUITAR Method?

What is the G4 GUITAR method? This is a question I get asked quite often. So if you asking that question yourself, keep listening, because that's exactly what I'm going to answer in this week's episode.
July 14, 2023

138 - What Is Fret Buzz And How To Fix It

In this episode, we are diving into the world of "fret buzz" and exploring how to fix this common issue that plagues many guitar players. So if fret buzz is something you have been struggling with then keep listening.
July 7, 2023

137 - 5 Steps To Fix Your Rhythm Playing

If you have problems with your rhyhtm playing, this episode is for you. I take you through 5 steps to help take your rhythm playing to the next level.
June 30, 2023

136 - Halfway Through The 365-Day Practice Challenge

We are now halfway through the year which means we are halfway through the 365-day practice challenge so today's episode is a check-in to see how you are going and prepare you for the second half of the year.
June 22, 2023

135 - How To Make Guitar Practice More Fun

On this episode of the Beginner Guitar Academy podcast, the host, Paul Andrews, discusses ways to make guitar practice more enjoyable. As an online guitar school, Beginner Guitar Academy aims to simplify the process of learn…
June 16, 2023

134 - 10 Greatest Solos Of The 21st Century (Part 2)

In this week's episode, I am continuing my countdown of the 10 greatest guitar solos of the 21st century.
June 8, 2023

133 - 10 Greatest Solos Of The 21st Century (Part 1)

In this week's episode, I am counting down the 10 greatest guitar solos of the 21st century.
June 2, 2023

132 - The Six-Minute Guitar Practice Plan

Nowadays, everyone is busy and short of time, so optimising your time and making the most of it is essential. That is why in this week's episode, I show you a six-minute practice session that includes everything you need to …
May 26, 2023

131 - 10 Bad Habits To Avoid On Guitar

In this week, episode I go through ten bad habits that I often see beginner guitarists make and how to avoid them.
May 18, 2023

130 - What Are Arpeggios & How To Play Them

On this episode of the Beginner Guitar Academy podcast, we're delving into Arpeggios, specifically how to play them and why they're beneficial. I discuss the difference between harmonic and melodic Arpeggios and provide tips…
May 11, 2023

129 - The History Of Blues Music

On this episode of the Beginner Guitar Academy podcast, learn all about blues music, from its origin in the Deep South of America to its influence on contemporary genres like heavy metal and hip hop.
May 4, 2023

128 - 5 Ways To Become More Confident On Video

In this week's Beginner Guitar Academy podcast episode, we discuss something that can make any beginner guitarist a little nervous - recording yourself on video. But don't worry, I've got you covered with five tips to increa…
April 27, 2023

127 - Is Yousician The Best Way To Learn Guitar?

In this week's episode, I explore whether Yousician is the best way to learn guitar. Yousician is a Finnish interactive and educational music service that offers instant feedback to users as they play their instruments. With…